Abstract. There have been several timed extensions of ACP-style process algebras with successful termination. None of them, to our knowledge, are equationally conservative (ground-...
Jos C. M. Baeten, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Michel A....
In this paper we consider the frameworks of Process Algebra and I/O Automata and we apply both towards the verification of a distributed leader-election protocol. Based on the tw...
Marina Gelastou, Chryssis Georgiou, Anna Philippou
We present a process algebra for DNA computing, discussing compilation of other formal systems into the algebra, and compilation of the algebra into DNA structures.
Process algebras are widely used for defining the formal semantics of concurrent communicating processes. In process algebra, concurrent processes can be specified to execute di...
Several process algebras for modelling hybrid systems have appeared in the literature in recent years. These all assume that continuous variables in the system are modelled monolit...
Bio-PEPA is a process algebra for modelling biological systems. An important aspect of Bio-PEPA is the ability it provides to discretise concentrations resulting in a smaller, more...