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Abstract. The Rule Interchange Format Production Rule Dialect (RIFPRD) is a W3C Recommendation to define production rules for the Semantic Web, whose semantics is defined operation...
Data mining is a useful decision support technique that can be used to discover production rules in warehouses or corporate data. Data mining research has made much effort to appl...
After brie y reviewing the basic notions and terminology of active rules and relating them to production rules and deductive rules, respectively, we survey a number of formal appro...
It is widely recognized that production rules in database systems can be used to automatically maintain derived data such as views. However, writing a correct set of rules for e ci...
Abstract. We show that production rules and persistent queues together provide a convenient mechanism for maintaining consistency in semantically heterogeneous multidatabase enviro...
In this paper we argue the case for integrating the distinctive functionalities of logic programs and production systems within an abductive logic programming agent framework. In t...
The development of the XCS Learning Classifier System [26] has produced a stable implementation, able to consistently identify the accurate and optimally general population of cla...