—Most analysis methods for real-time systems assume that all the components of the system are at roughly the same stage of development and can be expressed in a single notation, ...
George S. Avrunin, James C. Corbett, Laura K. Dill...
Abstract. Temporal programming languages are recognized as natural and expressive formalisms for describing dynamic systems. However, most such languages are based on linear ow of ...
Database systems as basis for CAD frameworks have to provide data management as well as transaction management facilities meeting the requirements of design applications. One of t...
Abstract. Many programming languages have been developed and implemented for mobile code environments. They are typically quite expressive. But while security is an important aspec...
A type system is given that eliminates two kinds of covert flows in an imperative programming language. The first kind arises from nontermination and the other from partial oper...
Through the use of interpreters it is possible to teach programming languages in an analytic way without the mathematical overhead associated with other formal methods. This is a ...
Mobile agents are processes which can migrate and execute on new hosts. Mobility is a key concept for network programming; it has stimulated much research about new programming la...
Lorenzo Bettini, Rocco De Nicola, Rosario Pugliese...
Combining theorem proving and model checking o ers the tantalizing possibility of e ciently reasoning about large circuits at high levels of abstraction. We have constructed a syst...
Mark Aagaard, Robert B. Jones, Carl-Johan H. Seger
Expressions in the programming language C have such an under-specified semantics that one might expect them to be non-deterministic. However, with the help of a mechanised formali...
Abstract. The combination of a language with ne-grain implicit parallelism and a data
ow evaluation scheme is suitable for high-level programming on massively parallel architectur...