Feature-oriented programming organizes programs around features rather than objects, thus better supporting extensible, product-line architectures. Programming languages increasin...
While the programming languages course played a key role in Curricula '68, '78, and '91, Curriculum 2001 replaced most of the content in programming languages with ...
Programming language "paradigms" are a moribund and tedious legacy of a bygone age. Modern language designers pay them no respect, so why do our courses slavishly adhere...
It is argued that the teaching of programming is central to the education of skilled computer professionals, that the teaching of programming languages is central to the teaching ...
Three key forces are shaping the modern Computer Science (CS) curriculum: (1) new topics/courses are squeezing out existing ones; (2) a focus on "big picture" and interd...
A key characteristic of today’s high performance computing systems is a physically distributed memory, which makes the efficient management of locality essential for taking adv...
This paper describes Scratch, a visual, block-based programming language designed to facilitate media manipulation for novice programmers. We report on the Scratch programming exp...
John H. Maloney, Kylie A. Peppler, Yasmin B. Kafai...
Conventional programming models were designed to be used by expert programmers for programming for largescale multiprocessors, distributed computational clusters, or specialized p...
In this paper we argue that it is possible to couple the advantages of programming with the well-known abstraction of RPC with asynchronous programming models adequate for wide-ar...
In classical two-stage stochastic programming the expected value of the total costs is minimized. Recently, mean-risk models - studied in mathematical finance for several decades -...