Abstract. Most parallel systems on which MPI is used are now hierarchical: some processors are much closer to others in terms of interconnect performance. One of the most common su...
Hao Zhu, David Goodell, William Gropp, Rajeev Thak...
Abstract This paper proposes a new fine-grained data distribution operation MPI Alltoall specific that allows an element-wise distribution of data elements to specific target pro...
The objective of this research is to convert ordinary idle PCs into virtual clusters for executing parallel applications. The paper introduces VolpexMPI that is designed to enable ...
Troy LeBlanc, Rakhi Anand, Edgar Gabriel, Jaspal S...
Abstract. Manually tuning MPI runtime parameters is a practice commonly employed to optimise MPI application performance on a specific architecture. However, the best setting for ...
Simone Pellegrini, Jie Wang, Thomas Fahringer, Han...
Petascale machines with close to a million processors will soon be available. Although MPI is the dominant programming model today, some researchers and users wonder (and perhaps e...
Pavan Balaji, Darius Buntinas, David Goodell, Will...