Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is one of the most popular approaches for feature extraction and dimension reduction to overcome the curse of the dimensionality of the high-dime...
We propose an SQP-type algorithm for solving nonlinear second-order cone programming (NSOCP) problems. At every iteration, the algorithm solves a convex SOCP subproblem in which th...
We survey on theoretical properties and algorithms concerning the problem of solving a nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equation, and we report on some known methods and new algorit...
Dario Andrea Bini, Bruno Iannazzo, Beatrice Meini,...
This work addresses the problem of computing a certified ǫ-approximation of all real roots of a square-free integer polynomial. We proof an upper bound for its bit complexity, b...
We give the first complete theoretical convergence analysis for the iterative extensions of the Sturm/Triggs algorithm. We show that the simplest extension, SIESTA, converges to no...