Query expansion has been shown effective for both single database retrieval and for distributed information retrieval where complete collection information is available. One might...
In this paper we are mainly concerned with discussion of a formal model, based on the basic concept of divergence from information theory, for automatic query expansion. The basic...
Query expansion of named entities can be employed in order to increase the retrieval effectiveness. A peculiarity of named entities compared to other vocabulary terms is that they...
Much attention has been paid to the relative effectiveness of interactive query expansion versus automatic query expansion. Although interactive query expansion has the potential ...
We investigate two seemingly incompatible approaches for improving document retrieval performance in the context of question answering: query expansion and query reduction. Querie...
This paper describes the fourth participation of IR-n system (Alicante University) at CLEF conferences. At present conference, we have modified the similarity measure and the que...
This paper describes our participation in the CLEF 2004 French monolingual task. We used our Terrier Information Retrieval platform and experimented with query expansion and query...
Christina Lioma, Ben He, Vassilis Plachouras, Iadh...
Query expansion is a well-known technique that has been shown to improve average retrieval performance. This technique has not been used in many operational systems because of the...
In information retrieval, queries can fail to find documents due to mismatch in terminology. Query expansion is a well-known technique addressing this problem, where additional q...
Abstract. Automated Text Categorization has reached the levels of accuracy of human experts. Provided that enough training data is available, it is possible to learn accurate autom...