In location-based services, it is common for a user to issue a query based on his/her current position. One such example is "find the available cabs within two miles of my cu...
Abstract-- In sensor environments and moving robot applications, the position of an object is often known imprecisely because of measurement error and/or movement of the object. In...
Abstract-- Answering approximate queries on string collections is important in applications such as data cleaning, query relaxation, and spell checking, where inconsistencies and e...
Due to the complexity of XML query languages, the need for visual query interfaces that can reduce the burden of query formulation is fundamental to the spreading of XML to wider c...
Zhou Yong, Sourav S. Bhowmick, Erwin Leonardi, Kla...
In this paper, we present a large-scale object retrieval system. The user supplies a query object by selecting a region of a query image, and the system returns a ranked list of i...
James Philbin, Ondrej Chum, Michael Isard, Josef S...