
84views more  SIAMDM 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
On Computing the Frequencies of Induced Subhypergraphs
Let F be an r-uniform hypergraph with f vertices, where f > r ≥ 3. In [12], R. Yuster posed the problem of whether there exists an algorithm which, for a given r-uniform hyper...
Brendan Nagle
83views more  JGT 2008»
14 years 16 days ago
Monochromatic Hamiltonian t-tight Berge-cycles in hypergraphs
Abstract: In any r-uniform hypergraph H for 2 t r we define an runiform t-tight Berge-cycle of length , denoted by C(r,t) , as a sequence of distinct vertices v1, v2, . . . , v ,...
Paul Dorbec, Sylvain Gravier, Gábor N. S&aa...