

On Computing the Frequencies of Induced Subhypergraphs

13 years 11 months ago
On Computing the Frequencies of Induced Subhypergraphs
Let F be an r-uniform hypergraph with f vertices, where f > r ≥ 3. In [12], R. Yuster posed the problem of whether there exists an algorithm which, for a given r-uniform hypergraph H with n vertices, computes the number of induced copies of F in H in time o(nf ). The analogous question for graphs (r = 2) was known to hold from a O(nf−ε ) time algorithm of Neˇsetˇril and Poljak [9] (for a constant ε = εf > 0 which is independent of n). Here, we present an algorithm for this problem, when r ≥ 3, with running time O(nf / log2 n).
Brendan Nagle
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Brendan Nagle
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