The OAEP encryption scheme was introduced by Bellare and Rogaway at Eurocrypt ’94. It converts any trapdoor permutation scheme into a public-key encryption scheme. OAEP is widel...
Abstract. We present a new cryptographic auction protocol that prevents extraction of bid information despite any collusion of participants. This requirement is stronger than commo...
Abstract. Most approaches to the formal analysis of cryptography protocols make the perfect cryptographic assumption, which entails for example that there is no way to obtain knowl...
Ordinarily, RSA and Rabin ciphertexts and signatures are log N bits, where N is a composite modulus; here, we describe how to “compress” Rabin ciphertexts and signatures (among...
Abstract. Formal methods have been extensively applied to the certification of cryptographic protocols. However, most of these works make the perfect cryptography assumption, i.e....
The Full-Domain Hash (FDH) signature scheme [3] forms one the most basic usages of random oracles. It works with a family F of trapdoor permutations (TDP), where the signature of m...
Yevgeniy Dodis, Roberto Oliveira, Krzysztof Pietrz...
We propose a new password-based 3-party protocol with a formal security proof in the standard model. Under reasonable assumptions we show that our new protocol is more efficient t...
Abstract. At PKC 2006, Yang, Wong, Deng and Wang proposed the notion of anonymous signature schemes where signatures do not reveal the signer’s identity, as long as some parts of...
In this work we re-visit the question of building cryptographic primitives that remain secure even when queried on inputs that depend on the secret key. This was investigated by B...
Abstract. Digital signatures are often proven to be secure in the random oracle model while hash functions deviate more and more from this idealization. Liskov proposed to model a ...