We present a method to identify stakeholders and their preferences about non-functional requirements (NFR) by using use case diagrams of existing systems. We focus on the changes ...
Tools for managing systems requirements help keeping specifications consistent, up-to-date and accessible. Since the requirements for complex systems are themselves complex inform...
In this work, we propose a framework for quantifying non-functional requirements (NFRs). This framework uses quality characteristics of the execution domain, application domain an...
This paper addresses the issues related to improving the overall quality of the requirements tracing process for Independent Verification and Validation analysts. The contribution...
Jane Huffman Hayes, Alex Dekhtyar, Senthil Karthik...
This paper reports on our experience of eliciting and managing requirements on a large European-based multinational project, whose purpose is to create a system to support learnin...
Debra Trusso Haley, Bashar Nuseibeh, Helen C. Shar...
Assumptions are frequently made during requirements analysis of a system-to-be about the trustworthiness of its various components (including human components). These trust assump...
Charles B. Haley, Robin C. Laney, Jonathan D. Moff...
Due to the generality and complexity of enterprise systems, they are challenging to implement and deploy successfully in organizations. Many of these problems are rooted in the wa...
One of the benefits of goal-oriented requirements engineering is the possibility of conducting formal analysis in order to evaluate alternative solutions of goal models. Superfici...
Most problems in building and refining a system can be traced back to errors in requirements. Poorly organized requirements, most often in natural language are among the major ca...
Ravishankar Boddu, Lan Guo, Supratik Mukhopadhyay,...
There has been significant recent interest, within the Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) community, in representing crosscutting concerns at various stages of the softwa...