Hayko Riemenschneider is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Computer Vision Laboratory at ETH Zurich. He received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in computer science in 2012 ...
It has recently been shown that deformable 3D surfaces
could be recovered from single video streams. However, ex-
isting techniques either require a reference view in which
the ...
Aydin Varol, Mathieu Salzmann, Engin Tola, Pascal ...
We present a system that can match and reconstruct 3D
scenes from extremely large collections of photographs such
as those found by searching for a given city (e.g., Rome) on
Sameer Agarwal, Noah Snavely, Ian Simon, Steven M....
"The purpose of this book is to provide a tutorial overview on the subject of computerized tomographic imaging. We expect the book to be useful for practicing engineers and sc...