The Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston uses lists of journals as part of its process to evaluate and reward the research productivity of its faculty. The creat...
Can research quality be measured meaningfully? Whether it can or not does not interfere with the desire to do so if the motivation is strong enough. This paper discusses the Unite...
Databases supporting time dependent and continuously changing geometries, called moving objects databases, have been studied for about 15 years. The field has been flourishing and...
In this paper, we report some on-going focused research, but are further keen to set it in the context of a proposed bigger picture, as follows. There is a certain depressing patt...
As significant resources are directed towards clean-slate networking research, it is imperative to understand how cleanslate architectural research compares to the diametrically o...
: Experimental research in human–computer interaction commonly uses participant groups that are unrepresentative of demographic realities, being young, technically knowledgeable ...
Realizing business value and identifying the benefits arising from implementations of enterprise systems remains a significant challenge for both research and practice. A review o...
—People make and use tools. Many information technology tools, applying computer science research, powerfully influence human behaviour. Some questions about human behaviour can ...
As the information systems discipline grows, so do the number of programs offering graduate research degrees (GRD). In Australasia these include one year post-graduate (honors) pr...
We report on summer student programmes and activities we have run, or contributed towards, for undergraduate students at Universities in the UK; in the USA; in Australia and in Ne...
Kenneth A. Hawick, Heath A. James, Christie James,...