
80views more  IJCIS 2006»
14 years 13 days ago
A Layered Framework for Connecting Client Objectives and Resource Capabilities
entifies three levels of abstraction for resource requirements a service provider needs to manage, detailed specification of raw resources, virtualization of heterogeneous resource...
Asit Dan, Kavitha Ranganathan, Catalin Dumitrescu,...
137views more  CN 2007»
14 years 13 days ago
Georoy: A location-aware enhancement to Viceroy peer-to-peer algorithm
The success of experiences such as Seattle and Houston Wireless has attracted the attention on the so called wireless mesh community networks. These are wireless multihop networks...
Laura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo,...
14 years 13 days ago
A Unified Approach to Congestion Games and Two-Sided Markets
Abstract. Congestion games are a well-studied model for resource sharing among uncoordinated selfish agents. Usually, one assumes that the resources in a congestion game do not hav...
Heiner Ackermann, Paul W. Goldberg, Vahab S. Mirro...
14 years 13 days ago
Metascheduling Multiple Resource Types using the MMKP
Grid computing involves the transparent sharing of computational resources of many types by users across large geographic distances. The altruistic nature of many current grid reso...
Daniel C. Vanderster, Nikitas J. Dimopoulos, Randa...
114views Hardware» more  ETS 2006»
14 years 13 days ago
From Research Resources to Learning Objects: Process Model and Virtualization Experiences
Typically, most research and academic institutions own and archive a great amount of objects and research related resources that have been produced, used and maintained over long ...
José Luis Sierra, Alfredo Fernández-...
123views more  ESWA 2006»
14 years 13 days ago
Design of a RFID case-based resource management system for warehouse operations
In the past, the selection of resources to execute various warehouse operation services was done solely by experts. In this paper, a RFIDbased Resource Management System (RFID-RMS...
Harry K. H. Chow, King Lun Choy, W. B. Lee, K. C. ...
128views more  BMCBI 2007»
14 years 13 days ago
Userscripts for the Life Sciences
Background: The web has seen an explosion of chemistry and biology related resources in the last 15 years: thousands of scientific journals, databases, wikis, blogs and resources ...
Egon L. Willighagen, Noel M. O'Boyle, Harini Gopal...
82views more  CSJM 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
Linguistic Resources and Technologies for Romanian Language
This paper revises notions related to Language Resources and Technologies (LRT), including a brief overview of some resources developed worldwide and with a special focus on Roman...
Dan Cristea, Corina Forascu
142views more  CONCURRENCY 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
A Grid service broker for scheduling e-Science applications on global data Grids
: The next generation of scientific experiments and studies, popularly called e-Science, is carried out by large collaborations of researchers distributed around the world engaged ...
Srikumar Venugopal, Rajkumar Buyya, Lyle J. Winton
111views more  CONCURRENCY 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
ScyFlow: an environment for the visual specification and execution of scientific workflows
With the advent of grid technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to utilize distributed grid resources. The core grid services provid...
Karen M. McCann, Maurice Yarrow, Adrian De Vivo, P...