
134views more  EOR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Linear programming based decomposition methods for inventory distribution systems
We consider an inventory distribution system consisting of one warehouse and multiple retailers. The retailers face random demand and are supplied by the warehouse. The warehouse ...
Sumit Kunnumkal, Huseyin Topaloglu
95views more  MANSCI 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Using Scheduled Ordering to Improve the Performance of Distribution Supply Chains
We study a supply chain with one supplier and many retailers that face exogenous endcustomer demands. The supplier and the retailers all try to minimize their own inventory-relate...
Lucy Gongtao Chen, Srinagesh Gavirneni
169views more  IOR 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Dynamic Supplier Contracts Under Asymmetric Inventory Information
In this paper, we examine a supply chain in which a single supplier sells to a downstream retailer. We consider a multi-period model, with the following sequence of events. In per...
Hao Zhang, Mahesh Nagarajan, Greys Sosic
99views more  EOR 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Repeated newsvendor game with transshipments under dual allocations
We study a repeated newsvendor game with transshipments. In every period n retailers face a stochastic demand for an identical product and independently place their inventory orde...
Xiao Huang, Greys Sosic
119views more  MANSCI 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
Supply Chain Choice on the Internet
Internet companies extensively use the practice of drop-shipping, where the wholesaler stocks and owns the inventory and ships products directly to customers at retailers' re...
Serguei Netessine, Nils Rudi
66views more  AUTOMATICA 2006»
14 years 15 days ago
Supply chain structure and demand risk
V. Agrawal and S. Seshadri (2000) [Risk intermediation in supply chains. IIE Transactions, 32, 819
Ying-Ju Chen, Sridhar Seshadri
99views more  COR 2010»
14 years 16 days ago
A new heuristic to solve the one-warehouse N-retailer problem
We deal with a multi-echelon inventory system in which one warehouse supplies an item to multiple retailers. Customer demand arrives at each retailer at a constant rate. The retai...
Beatriz Abdul-Jalbar, Anders Segerstedt, Joaquin S...
14 years 7 months ago
Retail Location Choice with Complementary Goods: An Agent-Based Model
This paper examines the emergence of retail clusters on a supply chain network comprised of suppliers, retailers, and consumers. An agent-based model is proposed to investigate ret...
Arthur Huang, David Levinson