Many functional programs and higher order term rewrite systems contain, besides higher order rules, also a significant first order part. We discuss how an automatic termination p...
Given an equational system, completion procedures compute an equivalent and complete (terminating and confluent) term rewrite system. We present a very simple and efficient compl...
We introduce parameterized rewrite systems for describing infinite families of finite string rewrite systems depending upon non-negative integer parameters, as well as ways to reas...
In deduction modulo, a theory is not represented by a set of axioms but by a congruence on propositions modulo which the inference rules of standard deductive systems--such as for ...
In the A-calculus, there is a standard notion of what terms should be considered to be "undefined": the unsolvable terms. There are various equivalent characterisations o...
Zena M. Ariola, Richard Kennaway, Jan Willem Klop,...
The paper presents a new schematization of in nite families of terms called the primal grammars, based on the notion of primitive recursive rewrite systems. This schematization is...
Abstract. Kamperman and Walters proposed the notion of a simulation of one rewrite system by another one, whereby each term of the simulating rewrite system is related to a term in...
Abstract. We present a method of specifying standard imperative program optimisations as a rewrite system. To achieve this we have extended the idea of matching sub-terms in expres...
We investigate the relationship between two independently developed termination techniques for rst and higher-order rewrite systems. On the one hand, sized-types based termination...