

Syntactic Definitions of Undefined: On Defining the Undefined

14 years 6 months ago
Syntactic Definitions of Undefined: On Defining the Undefined
In the A-calculus, there is a standard notion of what terms should be considered to be "undefined": the unsolvable terms. There are various equivalent characterisations of this property of terms. We attempt to find a similar notion for orthogonal term rewrite systems. We find that in general the properties of terms analogous to the various characterisations of solvability differ. We give two axioms that a notion of undefinednessshould satisfy, and explore some of their consequences. The axioms lead to a concept analogous to the BShm trees of the A-calculus. Each term has a unique B5hm tree, and the set of such trees forms a domain which provides a denotational semantics for the rewrite system. We consider several particular notions of undefinedness satisfying the axioms, and compare them. AMS Subject Classification: 68Q42 CR Subject Classification: FI.1, F4.1, F4.2 Keywords 8,= Phrases: Orthogonal term rewriting systems, B5hm Trees, undefined terms, lambda calculus, solvabili...
Zena M. Ariola, Richard Kennaway, Jan Willem Klop,
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where TACS
Authors Zena M. Ariola, Richard Kennaway, Jan Willem Klop, M. Ronan Sleep, Fer-Jan de Vries
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