
13 years 13 days ago
Understanding Natural Language Commands for Robotic Navigation and Mobile Manipulation
This paper describes a new model for understanding natural language commands given to autonomous systems that perform navigation and mobile manipulation in semi-structured environ...
Stefanie Tellex, Thomas Kollar, Steven Dickerson, ...
147views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Exploration Strategies for a Robot with a Continously Rotating 3D Scanner
To benchmark the efficiency of exploration strategies one has to use robot simulators. In an exploration task, the robot faces an unknown environment. Of course one could test the ...
Elena Digor, Andreas Birk, Andreas Nüchter
155views Robotics» more  ROBOCUP 2005»
14 years 6 months ago
An Application Interface for UCHILSIM and the Arrival of New Challenges
UCHILSIM is a robot simulator recently introduced in the RoboCup Four Legged League. A main attractive of the simulator is the possibility of reproducing with accuracy the dynamica...
Juan Cristóbal Zagal, Iván Sarmiento...