This demo presents Signposts, a system to provide users with a secure, simple mechanism to establish and maintain communication channels between their personal cloud of named devi...
Amir Chaudhry, Anil Madhavapeddy, Charalampos Rots...
This paper proposes an improved version of a fully distributed routing protocol, that is applicable for cloud computing infrastructure. Simulation results shows the protocol is id...
—Network coding aware routing protocols have been an interesting research topic in recent years. In this paper, we explore similar routing gains with physical layer coding techni...
We study and characterize social-aware forwarding protocols in opportunistic networks and we derive bounds on the expected message delivery time for two different routing protocol...
Abstract—Due to its large scale and constrained communication radius, a wireless sensor network mostly relies on multi-hop transmissions to deliver a data packet along a sequence...
Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu, Mo Li, Wei Dong, Yuan He
Query localization is an improved extension of on-demand routing protocols for ad hoc networks. It makes use of prior routing histories to localize the query flood to a limited re...
This paper presents a mathematical framework for the evaluation of the performance of proactive and reactive routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). This unified fram...
Hui Xu, Xianren Wu, Hamid R. Sadjadpour, J. J. Gar...
—A SEA Swarm (Sensor Equipped Aquatic Swarm) is a sensor cloud that drifts with water currents and enables 4D (space and time) monitoring of local underwater events such as conta...
Uichin Lee, Paul Wang, Youngtae Noh, Luiz Filipe M...
—In this paper we develop a unified theoretical framework for estimating various transmission costs of packet forwarding in wireless networks. Our framework can be applied to th...
A new user-friendly visual simulation tool; ViSim is presented. ViSim could be useful for researchers, students, teachers in their works, and for the demonstration of various wirel...