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A fair contract signing protocol allows two potentially mistrusted parities to exchange their commitments (i.e., digital signatures) to an agreed contract over the Internet in a f...
This paper describes a new public-key cryptosystem where the ciphertext is obtained by multiplying the public-keys indexed by the message bits and the cleartext is recovered by fac...
The concept of public-key cryptography was invented in 1976 by Diffie and Hellman [DH]. The following year, Rivest, Shamir and Adleman provided an implementation of this idea [RSA]...
Abstract. At Crypto ’88, Matsumoto, Kato and Imai proposed a protocol, known as RSA-S1, in which a smart card computes an RSA signature, with the help of an untrusted powerful se...
Abstract. Efficient implementations of RSA on computationally limited devices, such as smartcards, often use the CRT technique in combination with Garner’s algorithm in order to ...