The increasing popularity of high-volume performancecritical Internet applications calls for a scalable server design that allows meeting individual response-time guarantees. Cons...
It is advantageous to perform compiler optimizations to lower the WCET of a task since tasks with lower WCETs are easier to schedule and more likely to meet their deadlines. Compi...
Wankang Zhao, William C. Kreahling, David B. Whall...
No one middleware communication model completely solves the problem of ensuring schedulability in every DRE system. Furthermore, there have been few studies to date of the trade-o...
Yuanfang Zhang, Bryan Thrall, Stephen Torri, Chris...
—Real-time systems need to use the schedulability test to determine whether or not admitted tasks can meet their deadlines. The utilization based schedulability test is the most ...
Component technology has become a central focus of software engineering in research and development. Reusability is a key factor that contributes to its success. The reuse of comp...
Shengquan Wang, Sangig Rho, Zhibin Mai, Riccardo B...
Control systems running on a computer are subject to timing disturbances coming from implementation constraints. Fortunately closed-loop systems behave robustly w.r.t. modelling e...
While caches have become invaluable for higher-end architectures due to their ability to hide, in part, the gap between processor speed and memory access times, caches (and partic...
During real-world design of embedded real-time systems, it cannot be expected that all performance data required for scheduling analysis is fully available up front. In such situa...
Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling is increasingly being used to reduce the energy requirements of embedded and real-time applications by exploiting idle CPU resources, while s...
Christian Poellabauer, Leo Singleton, Karsten Schw...