
124views more  PVLDB 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Google's Deep Web crawl
The Deep Web, i.e., content hidden behind HTML forms, has long been acknowledged as a significant gap in search engine coverage. Since it represents a large portion of the structu...
Jayant Madhavan, David Ko, Lucja Kot, Vignesh Gana...
142views more  IJPRAI 2002»
13 years 11 months ago
Improving Encarta Search Engine Performance by Mining User Logs
We propose a data-mining approach that produces generalized query patterns (with generalized keywords) from the raw user logs of the Microsoft Encarta search engine (http://encart...
Charles X. Ling, Jianfeng Gao, Huajie Zhang, Weini...
116views more  CN 2002»
13 years 12 months ago
Search engines and Web dynamics
In this paper we study several dimensions of web dynamics in the context of large-scale Internet search engines. Both growth and update dynamics clearly represent big challenges f...
Knut Magne Risvik, Rolf Michelsen
107views more  CN 2000»
13 years 12 months ago
Query routing for Web search engines: architecture and experiments
General-purpose search engines such as AltaVista and Lycos are notorious for returning irrelevant results in response to user queries. Consequently, thousands of specialized, topi...
Atsushi Sugiura, Oren Etzioni
98views more  AIR 2004»
13 years 12 months ago
Further Experiments on Collaborative Ranking in Community-Based Web Search
As the search engine arms-race continues, search engines are constantly looking for ways to improve the manner in which they respond to user queries. Given the vagueness of Web sea...
Jill Freyne, Barry Smyth, Maurice Coyle, Evelyn Ba...
116views more  JISE 2007»
13 years 12 months ago
Mining Navigation Behaviors for Term Suggestion of Search Engines
Query expansion is extensively applied in information retrieval systems, such as search engines. Most conventional approaches to query expansion have been developed based on textua...
Hahn-Ming Lee, Chi-Chun Huang, Wei-Tang Hung
129views more  JIS 2007»
13 years 12 months ago
Employing log metrics to evaluate search behaviour and success: case study BBC search engine
Argues that metrics can be generated from search transactional Web logs that can help evaluate search engine effectiveness. Search logs from the BBC Website were analysed and metr...
Paul Huntington, David Nicholas, Hamid R. Jamali M...
101views more  ITPRO 2007»
14 years 2 hour ago
Beyond Search: Content Applications
Federation of Abstracting and Information Services presentation (“TheThomsonTransformation: Remaking a Global 500 Company,” http://www. Now conten...
Stephen Buxton
105views more  IPM 2007»
14 years 5 hour ago
Architecture of a grid-enabled Web search engine
Search Engine for South-East Europe (SE4SEE) is a socio-cultural search engine running on the grid infrastructure. It offers a personalized, on-demand, country-specific, categor...
Berkant Barla Cambazoglu, Evren Karaca, Tayfun Kuc...
123views more  IPM 2007»
14 years 5 hour ago
Using query logs to establish vocabularies in distributed information retrieval
Users of search engines express their needs as queries, typically consisting of a small number of terms. The resulting search engine query logs are valuable resources that can be ...
Milad Shokouhi, Justin Zobel, Seyed M. M. Tahaghog...