In this paper, we consider the problem of secret communication through Rayleigh fading single-input multiple-output (SIMO) broadcast channel in the presence of an eavesdropper. At...
This is the first part of a two-part paper on information-theoretically secure secret key agreement. In this part, we study the secrecy problem under the widely studied source mod...
—We study the optimum location of an eavesdropper from a secrecy capacity perspective in multiterminal networks with power control. We determine the logical location of an eavesd...
— The MIMOME channel is a Gaussian wiretap channel in which the sender, receiver, and eavesdropper all have multiple antennas. We characterize the secrecy capacity as the saddle-...
—We find the secrecy capacity of the 2-2-1 Gaussian MIMO wiretap channel, which consists of a transmitter and a receiver with two antennas each, and an eavesdropper with a singl...
We consider the secure transmission of information over an ergodic fading channel in the presence of an eavesdropper. Our eavesdropper can be viewed as the wireless counterpart of...
In this two-part paper, we consider the transmission of confidential data over wireless wiretap channels. The first part presents an information-theoretic problem formulation in w...
The secrecy capacity is developed for a class of relay channels with orthogonal components and a passive eavesdropper node. The relay and destination receive signals from the sourc...
Vaneet Aggarwal, Lalitha Sankar, A. Robert Calderb...
We study the security of communication between a single transmitter and multiple receivers in a broadcast channel in the presence of an eavesdropper. Characterizing the secrecy ca...
The capacity of the Gaussian wiretap channel model is analyzed when there are multiple antennas at the sender, intended receiver and eavesdropper. The associated channel matrices a...