With the spread of the Internet the computing model on server systems is undergoing several important changes. Recent research ideas concerning dynamic operating system extensibil...
The rapid evolution of Design Patterns has hampered the benefits gained from using Design Patterns. The increase in the number of Design Patterns makes a common vocabulary unmanag...
A type system is given that eliminates two kinds of covert flows in an imperative programming language. The first kind arises from nontermination and the other from partial oper...
This paper presents a general approach for analysis and veri cation of authentication properties in the language of Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP). It is illustrated by ...
Abstract— Replay attacks on security protocols have been discussed for quite some time in the literature. However, the efforts to address these attacks have been largely incomple...
This paper concentrates on one particular aspect of providing communication security: rewalls between domains of trust. We argue that signaling support for providing scalable secu...