This paper presents the results obtained by AROMA for its second participation to OAEI. AROMA is an hybrid, extensional and asymmetric ontology alignment method that makes use of t...
Abstract. This paper describes our participation in the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) 2009 with the AgreementMaker system for ontology matching, in which we obtai...
Isabel F. Cruz, Flavio Palandri Antonelli, Cosmin ...
Our ontology schema matching algorithm takes the essence of the locality of reference by considering the neighboring concepts and relations to align the entities of ontologies. It ...
Abstract. Ontology matching consists of finding correspondences between ontology entities. OAEI campaigns aim at comparing ontology matching systems on precisely defined test cas...
We present a method to measure the amount of structural distortion carried by an alignment between two taxonomic cores of ontologies represented as semantic hierarchies. We present...
Given two classifications, or lightweight ontologies, we compute the minimal mapping, namely the subset of all possible correspondences, called mapping elements, between them such ...
State of the art ontology matching techniques are limited to detect simple correspondences between atomic concepts and properties. Nevertheless, for many concepts and properties at...
Dominique Ritze, Christian Meilicke, Ondrej Sv&aac...
Abstract. For some years now ontologies have been used in Social Science, e.g. , in annotation of newspaper articles for disambiguating concepts within Media Analysis. These ontolo...
Shenghui Wang, Stefan Schlobach, Janet Takens, Wou...
A recent approach to the problem of ontology matching has been to convert the problem of ontology matching to information retrieval. We explore the utility of this approach in matc...
Brian Byrne, Achille Fokoue, Aditya Kalyanpur, Kav...
Abstract. Most Semantic Web applications are build on top of technology based on the Semantic Web layer cake and the W3C ontology languages RDF(S) and OWL. However RDF(S) embodies ...