This paper suggests appropriate rules to set up ontology matching evaluations and for golden standard construction and use which can significantly improve the quality of the preci...
Aliaksandr Autayeu, Vincenzo Maltese, Pierre Andre...
The usage of parallelization and distribution techniques in the field of ontology matching is of high interest for the semantic web community. This work presents an approach for ma...
Axel Tenschert, Matthias Assel, Alexey Cheptsov, G...
As part of the European PROLIX (Process Oriented Learning and Information eXchange) project, VUB STARLab designed a generic ontologybased data matching framework (ODMF). Within the...
In this paper, we present PelletSpatial, a qualitative spatial reasoning engine implemented on top of Pellet. PelletSpatial provides consistency checking and query answering over s...
In this paper the authors applied the idea of training multiple tasks simultaneously on a partially shared feed forward network to domain of ontology mapping. A “cross training...
In this paper we present a scenario for ontology matching posed by the Trentino Riscossioni S.p.A data integration system focusing the opportunity to enhance the level of data inte...
Stefano Brida, Marco Combetto, Silvano Frasson, Pa...
Abstract. In this short paper we present a scenario and requirements for ontology matching posed by a geographical application, namely a semantic geocatalog, which is an integral p...