The prevalence of malware such as keyloggers and screen scrapers has made the prospect of providing sensitive information via web pages disconcerting for security-conscious users....
Jonathan M. McCune, Adrian Perrig, Michael K. Reit...
Through first-responder access to sensitive information for which they have not been pre-vetted, lives and property can be saved. We describe enhancements to a trusted emergency i...
Timothy E. Levin, Cynthia E. Irvine, Terry Benzel,...
Network traces of Internet attacks are among the most valuable resources for network analysts and security researchers. However, organizations and researchers are usually reluctan...
Detecting and mitigating insider threat is a critical element in the overall information protection strategy. By successfully implementing tactics to detect this threat, organizat...
Yali Liu, Cherita L. Corbett, Ken Chiang, Rennie A...
JavaScript-based browser extensions (JSEs) enhance the core functionality of web browsers by improving their look and feel, and are widely available for commodity browsers. To ena...
Cyber theft is a serious threat to Internet security. It is one of the major security concerns by both network service providers and Internet users. Though sensitive information c...
Guofei Gu, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, Joshua B. Fryman, Ju...