System reliability has become an increasingly important benchmark in measuring service continuity. As part of many service level agreements, system performance is gauged by how lo...
This paper describes an application of the IEEE Standard 1471-2000, “Recommended practice for architectural description of softwareintensive system” in a software integration ...
In this paper we present a new approach to writing Makefiles and a system called maker which helps in this process. Our main goals are: ease the process of writing user Makefiles...
Abstract New algorithms are constantly developed in search of better or faster results. Many variants of code are often tried while searching for the best solution. When the number...
Abstract Methodologies involves both process elements and product elements. The OPEN Process Framework (OPF) focusses largely on process elements in the context of object-oriented ...
Brian Henderson-Sellers, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Bre...
The Java Data Objects (JDO) industry standard appears to provide a promising framework for persisting Java objects in an efficient way. Many experts even regard JDO as a more appr...
In many cases, product families are established on top of a successful pilot product. While this approach provides an option to measure many concrete attributes like performance a...
Feature modeling is commonly used to capture the commonalities and variabilities of systems in a domain during Domain Analysis. The output of feature modeling will be some reusabl...
Fei Cao, Barrett R. Bryant, Carol C. Burt, Zhishen...
Agent-based programming comes us as a next generation programming paradigm. However, we have not been ready yet to fully use it without having sound and concrete software engineer...
Due to recent advances in network and computing facilities, use of the Internet is becoming popular and promising in various areas such as scientific collaboration, information di...