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This paper describes our use of a 1970's era PDP-11/10 to support an hour long module which we have incorporated into our computer organization course for the past few semest...
-. t\ Whatstartedoff asanenrichmentassignmentfor a third graderhasdevelopedinto arich sourceof programmingassignments.Thelong integers,needed to determinewhetheranumbereventuallyb...
act In teaching object oriented design, it is important for students to work on projects that use a variety of design patterns, interaction between objects, and provide the opportu...
JAWAA is a simple command language for creating animations of data structures and displaying them with a Web browser. Commands are stored in a script file that is retrieved and r...
In this paper it is claimed that traditional examination often is destructive to the process of learning. It does not matter how good intentions educators have, it is the way they...