The growing maturity of computer graphics technology now makes it possible to view the introductory graphics course in a general computer science curriculum in a new light. Instea...
It is generally acknowledged that developing correct multithreaded codes is difficult, because threads may interact with each other in unpredictable ways. The goal of this work i...
There are numerous ways to evaluate student programming ability, all of which have benefits and drawbacks. In this paper we discuss how we have combined a number of those evaluati...
We describe a Web-based interactive system, called PILOT, for testing computer science concepts. The strengths of PILOT are its universal access and platform independence, its use...
Stina S. Bridgeman, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G...
Scientific programmers have traditionally programmed in entirely sequential languages such as Fortran, C or Pascal and it could be argued that object-orientation is not a concept ...
We describe the experience of three undergraduate computer science programs offering courses on parallel computing. In particular, we offer three different solutions to the proble...