We investigate the problem of matching buyers and sellers in a multi-item multi-unit combinatorial exchange so as to maximize either the surplus (revenue minus cost) or the tradin...
We examine correlated equilibria in the recently introduced formalism of graphical games, a succinct representation for multiplayer games. We establish a natural and powerful rela...
Sham Kakade, Michael J. Kearns, John Langford, Lui...
This paper presents a new ascending-price multi-unit auction protocol. As far as the authors are aware, this is the first protocol that has an open format, and in which sincere b...
We analyze data from 52 online in-game sports betting markets (where betting is allowed continuously throughout a game), including 34 markets based on soccer (European football) g...
Sandip Debnath, David M. Pennock, C. Lee Giles, St...
Combinatorial auctions, where bidders can bid on bundles of items are known to be desirable auction mechanisms for selling items that are complementary and/or substitutable. Howev...