This paper describes the research of parametric and procedural modeling techniques associated with digital fabrication and form-finding within architectural design. The outcome of...
Camouflage images contain one or more hidden figures that remain imperceptible or unnoticed for a while. In one possible explanation, the ability to delay the perception of the hi...
Hung-Kuo Chu, Wei-Hsin Hsu, Niloy J. Mitra, Daniel...
We present a control strategy for physically-simulated walking motions that generalizes well across gait parameters, motion styles, character proportions, and a variety of skills....
Stelian Coros, Philippe Beaudoin, Michiel van de P...
This paper proposes a new method for remeshing a surface into anisotropically sized quads. The basic idea is to construct a special standing wave on the surface to generate the gl...
Achieving interactive performance in cloth animation has significant implications in computer games and other interactive graphics applications. Although much progress has been m...
We introduce a video retargeting method that achieves high-quality resizing to arbitrary aspect ratios for complex videos containing diverse camera and dynamic motions. Previous c...
Yu-Shuen Wang, Hui-Chih Lin, Olga Sorkine, Tong-Ye...
We introduce here our latest ‘smart laser projector’ prototype, i.e, a modified laser-based projector capable of augmenting all kind of surfaces while simultaneously using th...
We present a visual exploration tool that lets biologists navigate through complex bat wing geometries by combining a novel modeling method and an interactive visualization approa...
Jian Chen, Daniel K. Riskin, Tatjana Y. Hubel, Dav...