Following the success of our first workshop, we organized ADKDD 2008 1 - the second International Workshop on Data Mining and Audience Intelligence for Advertising, in conjunction...
Recommender systems are a nice tool to help nd items of interest from an overwhelming number of available items. Collaborative Filtering (CF), the best known technology for recomme...
Wide-area sensor infrastructures, remote sensors, RFIDs, and wireless sensor networks yield massive volumes of disparate, dynamic, and geographically distributed data. As such sen...
Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Olufemi A. Omitaomu, Joao Gam...
A cellular automaton is a discrete, dynamical system composed of very simple, uniformly interconnected cells. Cellular automata may be seen as an extreme form of simple, localized...
Advances in telecommunications and GPS sensors technology have made possible the collection of data like time series of locations, related to the movement of individuals. The anal...
Weblogs, or Blogs, have facilitated people to express their thoughts, voice their opinions, and share their experiences and ideas. Individuals experience a sense of community, a f...
The value of knowledge obtainable by analysing large quantities of data is widely acknowledged. However, so-called primary or raw data may not always be available for knowledge di...
John F. Roddick, Myra Spiliopoulou, Daniel Lister,...
In this paper, we provide a report about the 8th French-speaking conference on Knowledge Discovery and Management (EGC'2008) [1] held in Sophia Antipolis, France, from Januar...