
13 years 6 months ago
Evaluating Semantic Metrics on Tasks of Concept Similarity
This study presents an evaluation of WordNet-based semantic similarity and relatedness measures in tasks focused on concept similarity. Assuming similarity as distinct from relate...
Hansen Andrew Schwartz, Fernando Gomez
197views Database» more  EDBT 2011»
13 years 6 months ago
Symmetrizations for clustering directed graphs
Graph clustering has generally concerned itself with clustering undirected graphs; however the graphs from a number of important domains are essentially directed, e.g. networks of...
Venu Satuluri, Srinivasan Parthasarathy
13 years 10 months ago
Integrative network alignment reveals large regions of global network similarity in yeast and human
Motivation: High-throughput methods for detecting molecular interactions have produced large sets of biological network data with much more yet to come. Analogous to sequence alig...
Oleksii Kuchaiev, Natasa Przulj
14 years 20 days ago
On Similarity Measures Based on a Refinement Lattice
Abstract. Retrieval of structured cases using similarity has been studied in CBR but there has been less activity on defining similarity on description logics (DL). In this paper w...
Santiago Ontañón, Enric Plaza
186views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 21 days ago
Analysis of Similarity Measures for Atanassov's Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
We consider some existing similarity measures for Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets (A-IFSs, for short). We show that neither similarity measures treating an A-IF as a sim...
Eulalia Szmidt, Janusz Kacprzyk
14 years 22 days ago
Paraphrase Recognition Using Machine Learning to Combine Similarity Measures
This paper presents three methods that can be used to recognize paraphrases. They all employ string similarity measures apshallow abstractions of the input sentences, and a Maximu...
Prodromos Malakasiotis
14 years 26 days ago
A comparative study on two large-scale hierarchical text classification tasks' solutions
: Patent classification is a large scale hierarchical text classification (LSHTC) task. Though comprehensive comparisons, either learning algorithms or feature selection strategies...
Jian Zhang, Hai Zhao, Bao-Liang Lu
14 years 28 days ago
A Bayesian Method for Robust Estimation of Distributional Similarities
Existing word similarity measures are not robust to data sparseness since they rely only on the point estimation of words' context profiles obtained from a limited amount of ...
Jun'ichi Kazama, Stijn De Saeger, Kow Kuroda, Masa...
262views more  JASIS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
New event detection and topic tracking in Turkish
Topic detection and tracking (TDT) applications aim to organize the temporally ordered stories of a news stream according to the events. Two major problems in TDT are new event de...
Fazli Can, Seyit Kocberber, Ozgur Baglioglu, Suley...
148views more  JMLR 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Linear-Time Computation of Similarity Measures for Sequential Data
Efficient and expressive comparison of sequences is an essential procedure for learning with sequential data. In this article we propose a generic framework for computation of sim...
Konrad Rieck, Pavel Laskov