
97views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
A Parameterless Biologically Inspired Control Algorithm Robust to Nonlinearities, Dead-Times and Low-Pass Filtering Effects
A biologically inspired control algorithm for robot control was introduced in a previous work. The algorithm is robust to noisy sensor information and hardware failures. In this pa...
Fabio Dalla Libera, Shuhei Ikemoto, Takashi Minato...
137views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
14 years 6 days ago
Simulating Vehicle Kinematics with SimVis3D and Newton
This paper discusses the simulation of vehicle kinematics with SimVis3D and the Newton Game Dynamics Engine. As running example a Pioneer1 like robot is used. First its differenti...
Jens Wettach, Daniel Schmidt 0004, Karsten Berns
162views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
14 years 6 days ago
Design Principles of the Component-Based Robot Software Framework Fawkes
Abstract. The idea of component-based software engineering was proposed more that 40 years ago, yet only few robotics software frameworks follow these ideas. The main problem with ...
Tim Niemüller, Alexander Ferrein, Daniel Beck...
150views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
14 years 6 days ago
Compliant Robot Actuation by Feedforward Controlled Emulated Spring Stiffness
Abstract. Existing legged robots lack energy-efficiency, performance and adaptivity when confronted with situations that animals cope with on a routine basis. Bridging the gap bet...
Katayon Radkhah, Stefan Kurowski, Thomas Lens, Osk...
147views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
14 years 6 days ago
Exploration Strategies for a Robot with a Continously Rotating 3D Scanner
To benchmark the efficiency of exploration strategies one has to use robot simulators. In an exploration task, the robot faces an unknown environment. Of course one could test the ...
Elena Digor, Andreas Birk, Andreas Nüchter
150views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
14 years 6 days ago
Dynamic Modeling of the 4 DoF BioRob Series Elastic Robot Arm for Simulation and Control
This paper presents the modeling of the light-weight BioRob robot arm with series elastic actuation for simulation and controller design. We describe the kinematic coupling introdu...
Thomas Lens, Jürgen Kunz, Oskar von Stryk
386views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
14 years 6 days ago
Virtual Robot Experimentation Platform V-REP: A Versatile 3D Robot Simulator
From exploring planets to cleaning homes, the reach and versatility of robotics is vast. The integration of actuation, sensing and control makes robotics systems powerful, but comp...
Marc Freese, Surya P. N. Singh, Fumio Ozaki, Nobut...
127views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
14 years 6 days ago
On the Stability of Bipedal Walking
Stability of bipedal locomotion is analyzed using a model of a planar biped written in the framework of systems with unilateral constraints. Based on this model, two different sta...
Pieter van Zutven, Dragan Kostic, Henk Nijmeijer
110views Robotics» more  SIMPAR 2010»
14 years 6 days ago
Improving a Robotics Framework with Real-Time and High-Performance Features
Middleware has a key role in modern and object-oriented robotics frameworks, which aim at developing reusable, scalable and maintainable systems using different platforms and prog...
Jesús Martínez, Adrián Romero...