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Abstract. With the emergence of Cloud Computing resources of physical machines have to be allocated to virtual machines (VMs) in an ondemand way. However, the efficient allocation ...
DEVS is a Modeling and Simulation formalism that has been used to study the dynamics of discrete event systems. Cell-DEVS is a DEVS-based formalism that defines the cell space as ...
Distributed discrete event simulation techniques aim at an acceleration of the execution of a self-contained simulation model by the spatial decomposition of that model and the co...
The development of accurate trace-driven simulation models has become a key activity in the design of new high-performance computer systems. Tracedriven simulation is fast) enabli...
Sathiamoorthy Manoharan, Nigel P. Topham, A. W. R....
The need for traffic analysis and traffic management applies to a vast range of disciplines. Simulation of traffic may assist in both analysis and management of traffic. In many s...