

Java Based Conservative Distributed Simulation

14 years 4 months ago
Java Based Conservative Distributed Simulation
Distributed discrete event simulation techniques aim at an acceleration of the execution of a self-contained simulation model by the spatial decomposition of that model and the concurrent simulation of the submodels by so called logical processes (LPs), each executing on a dedicated node of a (closed) multiprocessor system. The dedication of parallel simulators to specific platforms and their adaptation to the respective hardware and software intrinsics has widely preventend an industrial and/or commercial success of such high performance simulation methods. In this work we propose the building of logical process simulators that use the World Wide Web as an execution platform. We have developed and implemented a Java-based simulation engine along the conservative Chandy/Misra/Bryant (CMB) synchronization protocol, allowing for a platform independent, scalable, and performance efficient distributed simulation model execution. Our simulation engine is open and general purpose in the se...
Alois Ferscha, Michael Richter
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where WSC
Authors Alois Ferscha, Michael Richter
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