
13 years 11 months ago
Timed Petri Nets as a Verification Tool
This paper presents Timed Petri Nets (TPN) as an analytical approach for verification of computerized queueing network simulation models at steady state. It introduces a generic a...
Miryam Barad
13 years 11 months ago
Efficient Simulation-Based Discrete Optimization
In many practical applications of simulation it is desirable to optimize the levels of integer or binary variables that are inputs for the simulation model. In these cases, the ob...
Seth D. Guikema, Rachel A. Davidson, Zehra Ç...
13 years 11 months ago
An Event Graph Based Simulation and Scheduling Analysis of Multi-Cluster Tools
Simulation methods are extensively used in modeling complex scheduling problems. However, traditional layout of simulation models can become complicated when they are used to find...
Shengwei Ding, Jingang Yi
13 years 11 months ago
Database driven factory simulation: a proof-of-concept demonstrator
The paper presents a database-based method to reduce the development time and project lead-time for large discreteevent simulation models of entire factories. The database used to...
Lars G. Randell, Gunnar S. Bolmsjö
13 years 11 months ago
Resource graphs for modeling large-scale, highly congested systems
Simulations often execute too slowly to be effective tools for decision-making. In particular, this problem has been found in semiconductor manufacturing where conventional job-dr...
Paul Hyden, Lee Schruben, Theresa M. Roeder
13 years 11 months ago
Improving simulation model adaptability with a production control framework
Simulation models provide a powerful tool for the analysis of manufacturing systems, but their utility beyond the design stage of the system life cycle is hampered by the high cos...
Sean M. Gahagan, Jeffrey W. Herrmann
13 years 11 months ago
A simulation study of the labor and delivery rooms at JMH
This paper presents a simulation model of the operations in the Labor and Delivery Rooms at Jackson Memorial Hospital. A thorough analysis of the contents of hospital's datab...
Martha A. Centeno, Marsha A. Lee, Elizabeth Lopez,...
13 years 11 months ago
Resampling methods for input modeling
Stochastic simulation models are used to predict the behavior of real systems whose components have random variation. The simulation model generates artificial random quantities b...
Russell R. Barton, Lee Schruben
13 years 11 months ago
A Petri Net Approach to Verify and Debug Simulation Models
Verification and Simulation share many issues, one is that simulation models require validation and verification. In the context of simulation, verification is understood as the ta...
Peter Kemper, Carsten Tepper
13 years 11 months ago
An 802.16 model for NS2 simulator with an integrated QoS architecture
The IEEE 802.16 technology is emerging as a promising solution for BWA due to its ability to support multimedia services and to operate in multiple physical environments. Also, wi...
Ikbal Chammakhi Msadaa, Fethi Filali, Farouk Kamou...