
13 years 11 months ago
An accurate and extensible mobile IPv6 (xMIPV6) simulation model for OMNeT++
MIPv6 is the IPv6 based mobility management protocol and it is expected to become the mobility management protocol of choice for the Next Generation Wireless Access Networks. In o...
Faqir Zarrar Yousaf, Christian Bauer, Christian Wi...
13 years 11 months ago
Expanding the Event Horizon in Parallelized Network Simulations
The simulation models of wireless networks rapidly increase in complexity to accurately model wireless channel characteristics and the properties of advanced transmission technolog...
Georg Kunz, Olaf Landsiedel, Stefan Götz, Kla...
13 years 11 months ago
Agent-Based and Population-Based Simulation of Displacement of Crime (extended abstract)
acement of Crime (extended abstract) Tibor Bosse and Charlotte Gerritsen and Mark Hoogendoorn and S. Waqar Jaffry and Jan Treur1 Within Criminology, the process of crime displaceme...
Tibor Bosse, Charlotte Gerritsen, Mark Hoogendoorn...
13 years 11 months ago
An Hybrid Design Solution For Spacecraft Simulators
Abstract. The European Space Agency (ESA) has created the Simulation Model Portability 2 (SMP2) standard with the purpose to provide a design solution for the project of Spacecraft...
Vitor Rodrigues, João Correia Lopes, Ana Mo...
13 years 11 months ago
Agent-based simulation of the spatial dynamics of crime: on the interplay between criminal hot spots and reputation
An important challenge within the field of Criminology is to investigate the spatio-temporal dynamics of crime. Typical questions in this area are how the behaviour of offenders, ...
Tibor Bosse, Charlotte Gerritsen
13 years 12 months ago
An experimental study of an iterative simulation-optimization algorithm for production planning
It is well known from queueing and simulation models that cycle times in capacitated production systems increase nonlinearly with resource utilization, which poses considerable di...
Durmus Fatih Irdem, Necip Baris Kacar, Reha Uzsoy
13 years 12 months ago
Simulation of unit loading device inventory in airline operations
Commercial airlines often encounter imbalances in their inventory of unit loading devices (ULDs). A stochastic simulation model was developed to evaluate inventory policies. The s...
Chatabush Roongrat, Jay M. Rosenberger, Brian Huff
13 years 12 months ago
Simulation-based optimization of a complex mail transportation network
The Swedish Postal Services receives and distributes over 22 million pieces of mail every day. Mail transportation takes place overnight by airplanes, trains, trucks, and cars in ...
Anna Syberfeldt, Henrik Grimm, Amos Ng, Martin And...
13 years 12 months ago
Modeling of air traffic arrival operations through agent-based simulation
This paper reports on the development and validation of an agent based simulation model of air traffic control arrival operations. The simulation model includes modeling of both t...
Sanjiv Shresta, Ralf H. Mayer
13 years 12 months ago
A study on port design automation concept
In this paper, an automation concept is proposed to facilitate the simulation model building for port design problem. Currently, this process, which includes drawing the terminal ...
Loo Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew, Hai Xing Cheng, Yongbin...