What will it be like to work in the digital library of the future? We begin by browsing around an experimental digital library of the present, glancing at some collections and show...
We prove a lower bound of 0.3288 n 4¡ for the rectilinear crossing number cr(Kn) of a complete graph on n vertices, or in other words, for the minimum number of convex quadril...
We consider a fault-tolerant generalization of the classical uncapacitated facility location problem, where each client j has a requirement that rj distinct facilities serve it, i...
We tackle the problem of online paging on two level memories with arbitrary associativity (including victim caches, skewed caches etc.). We show that some important classes of pag...
Collusion-secure fingerprinting codes are an important primitive used by many digital watermarking schemes [1, 10, 9]. Boneh and Shaw [3] define a model for these types of codes...
Chung and Ross (SIAM J. Comput., 20, 1991) conjectured that the minimum number m(n, r) of middle-state switches for the symmetric 3-stage Clos network C(n, m(n, r), r) to be rearr...
In this paper we present a simple deterministic algorithm for testing whether a multivariate polynomial f(x1, . . . , xn) is identically zero, in time polynomial in m, n, log(d + ...
—A new class of distances appropriate for measuring similarity relations between sequences, say one type of similarity per distance, is studied. We propose a new “normalized in...
Ming Li, Xin Chen, Xin Li, Bin Ma, Paul M. B. Vit&...