We consider the problem of finding efficient trees to send information from k sources to a single sink in a network where information can be aggregated at intermediate nodes in t...
Motivated by several applications, we introduce various distance measures between “top k lists.” Some of these distance measures are metrics, while others are not. For each of...
Motivated by routing issues in ad hoc networks, we present polylogarithmic-time distributed algorithms for two problems. Given a network, we first show how to compute connected a...
Devdatt P. Dubhashi, Alessandro Mei, Alessandro Pa...
State-of-the-art linear programming (LP) solvers give solutions without any warranty. Solutions are not guaranteed to be optimal or even close to optimal. Of course, it is general...
Marcel Dhiflaoui, Stefan Funke, Carsten Kwappik, K...
Though Delaunay triangulations are very well known geometric data structures, the problem of the robust removal of a vertex in a three-dimensional Delaunay triangulation is still ...
Almost all of the most successful quantum algorithms discovered to date exploit the ability of the Fourier transform to recover subgroup structure of functions, especially periodi...
We consider the problem of uniformly sampling a vertex of a transportation polytope with m sources and n destinations, where m is a constant. We analyse a natural random walk on t...