Searching for a point in the plane is a well-known search game problem introduced in the early eigthies. The best known search strategy is given by a spiral and achieves a competi...
abstract Subhash Khot Assaf Naor In the kernel clustering problem we are given a (large) n ? n symmetric positive semidefinite matrix A = (aij) with n i=1 n j=1 aij = 0 and a (sma...
In this paper, we consider the problem of designing incentive compatible auctions for multiple (homogeneous) units of a good, when bidders have private valuations and private budg...
Sayan Bhattacharya, Vincent Conitzer, Kamesh Munag...
Given a d-dimensional array A with N entries, the Range Minimum Query (RMQ) asks for the minimum element within a contiguous subarray of A. The 1D RMQ problem has been studied int...
We study integrality gaps and approximability of two closely related problems on directed graphs. Given a set V of n nodes in an underlying asymmetric metric and two specified nod...
Zachary Friggstad, Mohammad R. Salavatipour, Zoya ...
The crossing number of a graph is the least number of pairwise edge crossings in a drawing of the graph in the plane. We provide an O(n log n) time constant factor approximation al...