The paper focuses on investigating the combined use of semantic and structural information of programs to support the comprehension tasks involved in the maintenance and reenginee...
Abstract—A dependable software system contains two important components, namely, error detection mechanisms and error recovery mechanisms. An error detection mechanism attempts t...
An important aspect of developing models relating the number and type of faults in a software system to a set of structural measurement is defining what constitutes a fault. By de...
When a software system critical for an organization exhibits a problem during its operation, it is relevant to fix it in a short period of time, to avoid serious economical losse...
Giuseppe A. Di Lucca, Massimiliano Di Penta, Sara ...
One of the most critical issues in large-scale software development and maintenance is the rapidly growing size and complexity of software systems. As a result of this rapid growt...
In this paper we propose an analytical approach for estimating the reliability of a component-based software. This methodology assumes that the software components are heterogeneo...
Jung-Hua Lo, Sy-Yen Kuo, Michael R. Lyu, Chin-Yu H...
Large multi-platform, multi-million lines of codes software systems evolve to cope with new platform or to meet user ever changing needs. While there has been several studies focu...
Ettore Merlo, Michel Dagenais, P. Bachand, J. S. S...
Abstract. Errors in a requirements model have prolonged detrimental effects on reliability, cost, and safety of a software system. It is very costly to fix these errors in later ...
The aim of the paper is to investigate methods for deriving a suitable set of test paths for a software system. The design and the possible uses of the software system are modelled...
Initial deployment and subsequent dynamic reconfiguration of a software system is difficult because of the interplay of many interdependent factors, including cost, time, applicat...
Naveed Arshad, Dennis Heimbigner, Alexander L. Wol...