Feedback is viewed as an essential element of ubiquitous computing systems in the HCI literature for helping people manage their privacy. However, the success of online social net...
Janice Y. Tsai, Patrick Gage Kelley, Paul Hankes D...
For privacy reasons, sensitive content may be revised before it is released. The revision often consists of redaction, that is, the “blacking out” of sensitive words and phras...
Randomness is a necessary ingredient in various computational tasks and especially in Cryptography, yet many existing mechanisms for obtaining randomness suffer from numerous pro...
Social navigation is a promising approach for supporting privacy and security management. By aggregating and presenting the choices made by others, social navigation systems can p...
Jeremy Goecks, W. Keith Edwards, Elizabeth D. Myna...
Secure Device Pairing is the bootstrapping of secure communication between two previously unassociated devices over a wireless channel. The human-imperceptible nature of wireless ...
Alfred Kobsa, Rahim Sonawalla, Gene Tsudik, Ersin ...