Graphical languages of various sorts are increasingly used for the specification and the design of high-integrity real-time systems. Their coverage however does not extend with a...
XML applications are becoming increasingly popular to define structured or semi-structured constrained data in XML for special application areas. In pursuit there is a growing mom...
In both commercial and academic environments, software development frameworks are an important tool in the construction of industrial strength software solutions. Despite the role...
An Air Force evaluation of Multics, and Ken Thompson’s famous Turing award lecture “Reflections on Trusting Trust,” showed that compilers can be subverted to insert maliciou...
Improperly validated user input is the underlying root cause for a wide variety of attacks on web-based applications. Static approaches for detecting this problem help at the time...
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks are a major concern for modern distributed applications. They exploit weakness in the software in order to make it unavailable to well-behaved user...
Concept assignment identifies units of source code that are functionally related, even if this is not apparent from a syntactic point of view. Until now, the results of concept a...
When analyzing the evolution history of a software project, we wish to develop results that generalize across projects. One approach is to analyze design patterns, permitting char...
Evolutionary annotations are descriptions of how source code evolves over time. Typical source comments, given their static nature, are usually inadequate for describing how a pro...
This paper proposes to use eye movements to characterize the performance of individuals in reviewing source code of computer programs. We first present an integrated environment t...