The structures of space and time are identified as essential for the realization of cognitive systems. It is suggested that the omnipresence of space and time may have been respons...
The allocation of office space in any large institution is usually a problematical issue, which often demands a substantial amount of time to perform manually. The result of this a...
Visibility determination is a key requirement in a wide range of graphics algorithms. This paper introduces a new approach to the computation of volume visibility, the detection o...
— A main difficulty for orbit determination of space debris is the correlation of tracks of data belonging to the same physical object. A sequence of optical measurements of an ...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the properties of a certain class of highly visible spaces. For a given geometric space C containing obstacles specified by disjoint s...
Abstract. We present a technique for Merkle tree traversal which requires only logarithmic space and time1 . For a tree with N nodes, our algorithm computes sequential tree leaves ...
This essay investigates the peculiar situation of a new media project which takes as its raw material the home-video archive of a deaf man gone blind. In an attempt to revive this...
In this paper, we provide a notion of structure preserving maps (i.e. knowledge-belief morphisms) between knowledge-belief spaces. Then we show that - under the condition that the...
In-memory hash tables provide fast access to large numbers of strings, with less space overhead than sorted structures such as tries and binary trees. If chains are used for collis...
Space applications’ users have been relying for the past decades on custom developed software tools capable of addressing short term necessities during critical Spacecraft contro...