In this article we will introduce a new approach (and several implementations) to the task of sentence classification, where pre-defined classes are assigned to sentences. This a...
Menno van Zaanen, Luiz Augusto Sangoi Pizzato, Die...
Effective information retrieval in XML documents requires the user to have good knowledge of document structure and of some formal query language. XML query languages like XPath a...
This paper introduces a measure of corpus homogeneity that indicates the amount of topical dispersion in a corpus. The measure is based on the density of neighborhoods in semantic ...
We present a new algorithm for generating super condensed neighbourhoods. Super condensed neighbourhoods have recently been presented as the minimal set of words that represent a p...
Proximity searching consists in retrieving from a database, objects that are close to a query. For this type of searching problem, the most general model is the metric space, where...
Given a set of strings U = {T1, T2, . . . , T }, the longest common repeat problem is to find the longest common substring that appears at least twice in each string of U, conside...