Multimedia XML documents can be viewed as a tree, whose nodes correspond to XML elements, and where multimedia objects are referenced in attributes as external entities. This paper...
Retrieval systems rank documents according to their retrieval status values (RSV) if these are monotonously increasing with the probability of relevance of documents. In this work,...
Let A and B be strings with lengths m and n, respectively, over a finite integer alphabet. Two classic string mathing problems are computing the edit distance between A and B, and...
Output-sensitive data structures result from preprocessing n items and are capable of reporting the items satisfying an on-line query in O(t(n) + ℓ) time, where t(n) is the cost ...
The Dirichlet compound multinomial (DCM) distribution has recently been shown to be a good model for documents because it captures the phenomenon of word burstiness, unlike standar...
Abstract. This work presents an experimental comparison of intersection algorithms for sorted sequences, including the recent algorithm of Baeza-Yates. This algorithm performs on a...
This paper proposes a model for Information Retrieval (IR) based on possibilistic directed networks. Relations documents-terms and query-terms are modeled through possibility and n...
Large inverted indices are by now common in the construction of web-scale search engines. For faster access, inverted indices are indexed internally so that it is possible to skip...
We introduce a normalized version of the LCS metric as a new local similarity measure for comparing two RNAs. An O(n2 m lg m) time algorithm is presented for computing the maximum ...
Rolf Backofen, Danny Hermelin, Gad M. Landau, Oren...