Abstract We give a method for approximating any n-dimensional lattice with a lattice Λ whose factor group Zn /Λ has n − 1 cycles of equal length with arbitrary precision. We al...
We consider metrical task systems, a general framework to model online problems. Borodin, Linial and Saks [BLS92] presented a deterministic work function algorithm (WFA) for metric...
An Active Context-Free Game is a game with two players (Romeo and Juliet) on strings over a finite alphabet. In each move, Juliet selects a position of the current word and Romeo ...
d Abstract)⋆⋆ Daniel Kirsten LIAFA, Universit´e Denis Diderot – Case 7014, 2 place Jussieu, F-75251 Paris Cedex 05, France We give a positive solution to the so-called fini...
We study a class of single-round, sealed-bid auctions for a set of identical items. We adopt the worst case competitive framework defined by [1,2] that compares the profit of an ...
Andrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline, Anna R. Kar...
Motivated by a scheduling problem encountered in multicast environments, we study a vertex labelling problem, called Directed Circular Arrangement (DCA), that requires one to fin...
Under the robot model, we show that a robot needs Ω(n log d) bits of memory to perform exploration of digraphs with n nodes and maximum out-degree d. We then describe an algorith...
OrthogonalVariableSpreadingFactor(OVSF)codesareusedinUMTStosharetheradiospectrum among several connections of possibly different bandwidth requirements. The combinatorial core of t...